Posted on May 26, 2012
The “OnSiteIMS InspectPro” List Management Platform has recently been launched on the Platinum Square Project in Rustenburg. OnSiteIMS Users are now be able to proactively create and manage any Inspection, Quality or Contractual lists through any Apple iOS, Android or Blackberry device while walking the contract. Allowing Consultants and Contractor alike the ability to create all types of inspection lists without having to manually write/record, type out and later issue their lists. The ability to add photographs or sketches to relevant items while walking the contract via the device application brings added functionality. Immediately, upon saving the created inspection list on the device, the list including comments, photos or sketches is automatically logged into the OnSiteIMS System in realtime and automatically notifes the Main Contractor of the new list issue for action.
Platform supported by:
Through the online OnSiteIMS List Management Modules, the Main Contractor is able to interact with the lists, allocating items to the relevant actioning party, thereby adding the items onto the Contract’s global running action list, filterable by company. All items tracked until completion. OnSiteIMS’s currently functionality allows real-time control of any lists issued on the contract including list call up and re-inspection in real time, signing off or adding comments, when not signed-off, through the same mobile interfaces by any Consultant on the Contract. This reduces re-inspection times and eliminates the related paperwork involved in the sign-off process.