Products and Infrastructure - Implementation Options
The Construction Industry demands a flexible solution dependant on the scale and complexity of the Build. For this reason the OnSiteIMS Solution makes use of the following flexible system infrastructure combinations:
- OnSiteIMS
ProjectPro JBCC™ - OnSiteIMS
ProjectPro FIDIC™ - OnSiteIMS
ProjectPrelim™ - OnSiteIMS
Construction Phase
Available with the following products:
Online™ -
Mobile™ -
Tablet™ -
Utilizes 24 of 24 modules providing full functionality for the construction phase.
Personal & Mngmt Dashboard
A dashboard summarising your personal actions, approvals and responses required on the project. -
My Account
Manage account details, subscriptions and preferences. -
Global search
Global search for any document, drawing or item across all modules on the project. -
Visual Progress Record
Stores all site photographs taken during the project into an easily accessible dynamic online timeline. Capable of virtual video tours of your site from anywhere in the world. -
Contract Documentation
Online folder structure for the issuing, distributing and recording of all formal documentation between team members with read | receipt tracking. Reliable, anytime access. -
Issuing of correspondence between the Project Team and onto subcontractors. One-to-one to one-to-many distribution like email, with a vault for the recording of emails issued outside of the system. -
General Instructions
Allows for the issuing of general requests and actions between main contractor teams and subcontractor team for daily site management. -
Contractor Quality Assurance
Main Contractor QA Officer can issue QA lists on works in hand through mobile and online interfaces which is picked up by subcontractor and site agents in the field. -
Site Instructions
Replaces the Site Instruction hardcopy book, usually employed by the Main Contractor on the site, with a reliable successor. Digital creation of Site Instructions, including authorization protocols with tracking and completion control. -
Contract Instructions
Replaces the Contract Instruction hardcopy book, usually employed by the Project Manager on the site, with a reliable successor. Digital creation of Contract Instructions, including authorization protocols with tracking and completion control. -
Project Actions
Consultant action management for the recording of information | procurement deadlines and actions across all disciplines. With Consultant and Main Contractor efficiency | non-performance early warning monitoring and reporting. -
Site Actions
Site team action management for the recording of deadlines and actions between Main Contractor and Subcontractors. With efficiency | non-performance early warning monitoring and reporting. -
Request for Information
Online 'Request for Information' issuing. Response, comment threading and resolution tracking with photo | video attach function through mobile or online, with real-time RFI status reports. -
Quality Logs
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing quality lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Drawing Registers
The Drawing module gives your team and subcontractor teams access to the latest revisions, by ensuring the drawing office has the latest on hand. -
Inspection / Approvals Requests
All requests issued by the Main Contractor to Consultants to track all formal inspections on the site to finality. -
Inspection Lists
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing inspection lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Pre-Practical / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Pre-Practical Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Pre-Take Over / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Practical Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Practical Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Take Over Lists
Works Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Works Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Final Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Final Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Latent Defects Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Latent Defects lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Global Review
Combines all list and instruction modules (GI/QA/SI/CI/IL/QL/
PreC/PC/WC/FC/LD) into one global view. Every instruction, task and request managed simultaneously with instant reporting, automated workflows and up-reporting. -
Shopdrawing (Coming soon)
Construction Phase
Available with the following products:
Online™ -
Mobile™ -
Tablet™ -
Utilizes 24 of 24 modules providing full functionality for the construction phase.
Personal & Mngmt Dashboard
A dashboard summarising your personal actions, approvals and responses required on the project. -
My Account
Manage account details, subscriptions and preferences. -
Global search
Global search for any document, drawing or item across all modules on the project. -
Visual Progress Record
Stores all site photographs taken during the project into an easily accessible dynamic online timeline. Capable of virtual video tours of your site from anywhere in the world. -
Contract Documentation
Online folder structure for the issuing, distributing and recording of all formal documentation between team members with read | receipt tracking. Reliable, anytime access. -
Issuing of correspondence between the Project Team and onto subcontractors. One-to-one to one-to-many distribution like email, with a vault for the recording of emails issued outside of the system. -
General Instructions
Allows for the issuing of general requests and actions between main contractor teams and subcontractor team for daily site management. -
Contractor Quality Assurance
Main Contractor QA Officer can issue QA lists on works in hand through mobile and online interfaces which is picked up by subcontractor and site agents in the field. -
Site Instructions
Replaces the Site Instruction hardcopy book, usually employed by the Main Contractor on the site, with a reliable successor. Digital creation of Site Instructions, including authorization protocols with tracking and completion control. -
Contract Instructions
Replaces the Contract Instruction hardcopy book, usually employed by the Project Manager on the site, with a reliable successor. Digital creation of Contract Instructions, including authorization protocols with tracking and completion control. -
Project Actions
Consultant action management for the recording of information | procurement deadlines and actions across all disciplines. With Consultant and Main Contractor efficiency | non-performance early warning monitoring and reporting. -
Site Actions
Site team action management for the recording of deadlines and actions between Main Contractor and Subcontractors. With efficiency | non-performance early warning monitoring and reporting. -
Request for Information
Online 'Request for Information' issuing. Response, comment threading and resolution tracking with photo | video attach function through mobile or online, with real-time RFI status reports. -
Quality Logs
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing quality lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Drawing Registers
The Drawing module gives your team and subcontractor teams access to the latest revisions, by ensuring the drawing office has the latest on hand. -
Inspection / Approvals Requests
All requests issued by the Main Contractor to Consultants to track all formal inspections on the site to finality. -
Inspection Lists
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing inspection lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Pre-Practical / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Pre-Take Over / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Pre-Takeover lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Practical Completion Lists
Take Over Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Takeover lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Works Completion Lists
Final Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Final Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Latent Defects Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Latent Defects lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Global Review
Combines all list and instruction modules (GI/QA/SI/CI/IL/QL/
PreC/PC/WC/FC/LD) into one global view. Every instruction, task and request managed simultaneously with instant reporting, automated workflows and up-reporting. -
Shopdrawing (Coming soon)
Preliminary Phase - Prebuild
Available with the following products:
Online™ -
Mobile™ -
Tablet™ -
Utilizes 9 of 24 modules providing a platform for feasibility, pre-build or risk phase.
Personal & Mngmt Dashboard
A dashboard summarising your personal actions, approvals and responses required on the project. -
My Account
Manage account details, subscriptions and preferences. -
Global search
Global search for any document, drawing or item across all modules on the project. -
Visual Progress Record
Stores all site photographs taken during the project into an easily accessible dynamic online timeline. Capable of virtual video tours of your site from anywhere in the world. -
Contract Documentation
Online folder structure for the issuing, distributing and recording of all formal documentation between team members with read | receipt tracking. Reliable, anytime access. -
Issuing of correspondence between the Project Team and onto subcontractors. One-to-one to one-to-many distribution like email, with a vault for the recording of emails issued outside of the system. -
General Instructions
Contractor Quality Assurance
Site Instructions
Contract Instructions
Project Actions
Consultant action management for the recording of information | procurement deadlines and actions across all disciplines. With Consultant and Main Contractor efficiency | non-performance early warning monitoring and reporting. -
Site Actions
Request for Information
Quality Logs
Drawing Registers
The Drawing module gives your team and subcontractor teams access to the latest revisions, by ensuring the drawing office has the latest on hand. -
Inspection / Approvals Requests
Inspection Lists
Pre-Practical / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Pre-Take Over / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Practical Completion Lists
Take Over Lists
Works Completion Lists
Final Completion Lists
Latent Defects Lists
Global Review
Shopdrawing (Coming soon)
Quailty & Completion Management Only
Available with the following products:
Online™ -
Mobile™ -
Tablet™ -
Utilizes 15 of 24 modules providing quality, inspection and completion list management.
Personal & Mngmt Dashboard
A dashboard summarising your personal actions, approvals and responses required on the project. -
My Account
Manage account details, subscriptions and preferences. -
Global search
Global search for any document, drawing or item across all modules on the project. -
Visual Progress Record
Stores all site photographs taken during the project into an easily accessible dynamic online timeline. Capable of virtual video tours of your site from anywhere in the world. -
Contract Documentation
General Instructions
Contractor Quality Assurance
Main Contractor QA Officer can issue QA lists on works in hand through mobile and online interfaces which is picked up by subcontractor and site agents in the field. -
Site Instructions
Contract Instructions
Project Actions
Site Actions
Request for Information
Quality Logs
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing quality lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Drawing Registers
Inspection / Approvals Requests
All requests issued by the Main Contractor to Consultants to track all formal inspections on the site to finality. -
Inspection Lists
Online or mobile issuing and management of ongoing inspection lists by Consultants. Including photo attach, commenting, action tracking & automated re-inspection notification processes. -
Pre-Practical / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Pre-Take Over / BO / Partial Completion Lists
Practical Completion Lists
Take Over Lists
Works Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Works Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Final Completion Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Final Completion lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Latent Defects Lists
Online or mobile issuing of Latent Defects lists with photo attach, commenting and automated re-inspection notification processes. Mobile App allows in-field issuing, action and response by agents and subcontractors. -
Global Review
Combines all list and instruction modules (GI/QA/SI/CI/IL/QL/
PreC/PC/WC/FC/LD) into one global view. Every instruction, task and request managed simultaneously with instant reporting, automated workflows and up-reporting. -
Shopdrawing (Coming soon)
Key Functionality
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