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OnSiteIMS Visual progress module due for release next week

Posted on June 22, 2015

The OnSiteIMS developers are about to release the 23rd Module for the OnSiteIMS Construction Collaboration Platform, the VP Module, designed to record site progress through photographs and videos across time, in an easily accessible interface.

THE VP MODULE (Visual Progress)

This Module is designed to search the project database for any photographs/videos issued into the OnSiteIMS System’s other 22 Modules, including allowing the uploading of photographs and videos by any user into the VP Module itself at any time, and automatically compiling a project specific dynamic timeline of visual progress throughout the build.

The timeline control allows any given year, month or week during the build to be reviewed in photographs from that specific period, providing a platform for the automatic organization and retrieval of the tens of thousands of photographs issued throughout any given project.

By using the dynamic timeline control any member can easily search back in time for photographic evidence of any period within the project.

Photographs and videos can be uploaded into the module in their 100′s and the system takes care to file them by date taken into the dynamic timeline.

Available to all involved in the project, the benefits of this module goes without saying, and will immediately become a very beneficial tool for Contractors, Project Managers and Developers alike.

Expect the VP Module to be released by end June 2015.

OnSiteIMS Visual progress module due for release next week
OnSiteIMS Visual progress module due for release next week

Expected release by 15th July 2015: New OnSiteIMS Dashboard –

The Company Dashboard will be the primary interface for Users logged-in online, highlighting graphically what the relevant User or his fellow company members are required to action, read, respond to, authorize or approve, at any one time. Ease of use and speed has been the primary focus of this Dashboard.

The Dashboard Tab